
Below I have some answers for questions some people commonly ask me x

Q. What camera do you use?
A. I just use my IPhone 5s, nothing special

Q. Where did the wooden crate on your desk come from?
A. I saw it at a grocery store near my house and asked the manager if I could buy it off them to which they said of course!

Q. Who is your biggest inspiration?
A. My biggest inspiration is Tanya Burr, she is such a lovely beautiful person with so many great qualities and skills that I look up to.

If you have any questions yourself, feel free to ask on instagram or email me x I love answering your questions! x


  1. Hi there! I'd love some tips and tricks on designing my blog. It's so ugly, and it's made me lose inspiration and enthusiasm on making blogposts. Thanks heaps love! xx

  2. Hi there! I'd love some tips and tricks on designing my blog. It's so ugly, and it's made me lose inspiration and enthusiasm on making blogposts. Thanks heaps love! xx

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